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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Friday's quote
"Words should flow onto paper, like a.. an.. um.. thing-a-ma-jig"
- Margret Filly, 1894 A.D.

Saturday's quote
"The more you sharpen a blade, the more you shorten its life."
- Ying Mautzu, 1860 A.D.

Sunday's quote
"Many times, when the standards are created, they take into account everyone, except the actual users."
- Mr. Michaels, 2000 A.D.

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Command the pox
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Command the pox 
Never go in with an Xbox, when DEATH is on the line! 
Panel 1 
Billy: This is so cool! You have got to check the out! X-Pox One, on. X-Pox One, watch TV 
Panel 2 
Billy: X-Pox One, let's play a game. 
Bob: Cool! 
Billy: Hmmm, let's see, what else? X-Pox One, fix my credit rating. 
Panel 3 
Bob: Hahaha! Let me try one. X-Pox One, summon a demon. 
Panel 4 
Billy: Gee, well done.

comic search terms: Command the pox
comic dialog: Never go in with an Xbox, when DEATH is on the line!

Panel 1
Billy: This is so cool! You have got to check the out! X-Pox One, on. X-Pox One, watch TV
Panel 2
Billy: X-Pox One, let's play a game.
Bob: Cool!
Billy: Hmmm, let's see, what else? X-Pox One, fix my credit rating.
Panel 3
Bob: Hahaha! Let me try one. X-Pox One, summon a demon.
Panel 4
Billy: Gee, well done.
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Become a technology siren
I'll admit, when I saw the X-Box One voice commands, I thought it was cool, but I can also see it going horribly, horribly wrong.

"Check out my xbox one, on the shelf... ARGH NO! Don't turn on!"

"Oh $#%$#@%@# ME! Wait.. WHAT?! NO! Put that arcade stick back!"

And so forth, but, when I saw them navigate through the channel guide with it, by naming the channel they wanted, it made me want to get one. TV guides, and game catalogs tend to be the most PITA things to navigate on a console, and sometimes on a computer too, so if they make THAT easy, I'll b impressed. I might even ignore the issues when I tell people to look at my X-Box One on my tv.

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