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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Monday's quote
"Dark clouds bring life to many thirsty plants."
- Farmer Bill, 1916 A.D.

Tuesday's quote
"Dreams are only dreams, because we lack the motivation to fulfill them."
- Sir Reginald Birch, 1478 A.D.

Wednesday's quote
"A door that opens easily hides nothing of value."
- Rob B. Barken, 1920 A.D.

Thursday's quote
"Every shot you fire is one you don't have for later."
- Paintball Instructor, 1987 A.D.

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Aiki humor
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Aiki humor 
I kind of flipped when I found out that this joke also kind of works in Japanese. 
Panel 1 
Mr. Sir "Lucky" Woodland Underbush Stick the third: Well, the artist is still slacking, so you want to hear a joke that everyone falls for? Three aikidoka walk into a bar, the first says, "I should get the drinks, I'm only a yonkyu.", the second says, "No, I should, I'm only a gokyu." then the third just looks at them and shrugs, "Sankyu."

comic search terms: Aiki humor
comic dialog: I kind of flipped when I found out that this joke also kind of works in Japanese.

Panel 1
Mr. Sir "Lucky" Woodland Underbush Stick the third: Well, the artist is still slacking, so you want to hear a joke that everyone falls for? Three aikidoka walk into a bar, the first says, "I should get the drinks, I'm only a yonkyu.", the second says, "No, I should, I'm only a gokyu." then the third just looks at them and shrugs, "Sankyu."
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